The Local Project Issue No.12
Issue No.12 features new work from Fearon Hay Architects, Partners Hill, Tribe Studio Architects, Warren and Mahoney, Room11, Kerstin Thompson Architects and more. Featured on the cover, Off-Grid House by Anacapa Architecture represents our exciting foray into featuring projects from across North America. Thoughtfully designed, the residence is intended to elevate and merge with its verdant Californian surrounds.
Issue No. 12 also includes profiles on Tania Handelsmann and Gillian Khaw of Handelsmann + Khaw, Alexandra Donohoe Church of Decus and James Taylor and Peter Knights of Taylor Knights.
The Commercial Project and The Local Marketplace round out the Issue No. 12 trio. The Commercial Project features over 190 pages of projects, profiles, products and discussion pieces. Newly expanded, The Local Marketplace then highlights the breadth and quality of local designers, artists, makers and distributors working across Australia, New Zealand and North America.
Product Information
Issue No.12 features new work from Fearon Hay Architects, Partners Hill, Tribe Studio Architects, Warren and Mahoney, Room11, Kerstin Thompson Architects and more. Featured on the cover, Off-Grid House by Anacapa Architecture represents our exciting foray into featuring projects from across North America. Thoughtfully designed, the residence is intended to elevate and merge with its verdant Californian surrounds.
Issue No. 12 also includes profiles on Tania Handelsmann and Gillian Khaw of Handelsmann + Khaw, Alexandra Donohoe Church of Decus and James Taylor and Peter Knights of Taylor Knights.
The Commercial Project and The Local Marketplace round out the Issue No. 12 trio. The Commercial Project features over 190 pages of projects, profiles, products and discussion pieces. Newly expanded, The Local Marketplace then highlights the breadth and quality of local designers, artists, makers and distributors working across Australia, New Zealand and North America.
Format : Paperback
Pages : 375
Language : English
Dimensions (cm) : A4
Weight : 3kg
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