Kinto Cast Amber Water Jug 750ml
Kinto's Cast Amber Water Jug 750ml carries on the Japanese brand's elegant design language to offer a simple, cylindrical glass jug in a welcoming hue that promises to make your favourite drinks even more delightful.
Part of the Cast Amber collection, this beautifully-designed jug pairs with a complete suite of mugs, cups, drinking glasses and jugs that combine to bring a warm, nostalgic quality to your dinner table.
Product Information
Kinto's Cast Amber Water Jug 750ml carries on the Japanese brand's elegant design language to offer a simple, cylindrical glass jug in a welcoming hue that promises to make your favourite drinks even more delightful.
Part of the Cast Amber collection, this beautifully-designed jug pairs with a complete suite of mugs, cups, drinking glasses and jugs that combine to bring a warm, nostalgic quality to your dinner table.
Materials : Glass
Colour : Amber
Dimensions (cm) : H17 x Ø9
Capacity : 750ml
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