Kinshipped 365 Lay Flat Undated A5 Planner Cacao
$60Out of stock
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Kinshipped's first undated planner, giving you the freedom to start and stop within the year as you please. A5 in size, Lay flat with a beautiful dark, soft and embossed cover. Page per day with weekly overview spreads for greater visibility of the week. Soft cover includes an eco Foilco foil.
Product Information
Kinshipped's first undated planner, giving you the freedom to start and stop within the year as you please. A5 in size, Lay flat with a beautiful dark, soft and embossed cover. Page per day with weekly overview spreads for greater visibility of the week. Soft cover includes an eco Foilco foil.
Materials : Paper
Colour : Cacao
Dimensions (cm) : H21 x W14.8
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