Barkly Basics Hand Cream
LOVE the smell and feel of your hands! Barkly Basics' Hand Creme is a bit different to other creams and lotions. It acts as a barrier cream by creating a light barrier on the skin to moisturise and protect your hands all day long. Suitable for rough tradie hands and smells amazing too!
Product Information
LOVE the smell and feel of your hands! Barkly Basics' Hand Creme is a bit different to other creams and lotions. It acts as a barrier cream by creating a light barrier on the skin to moisturise and protect your hands all day long. Suitable for rough tradie hands and smells amazing too!
Ingredients : Glycerine, Vitamin B, Vitamin E, Polysorbate 60, emulsifier, Grapeseed extract (natural preservative), Thickener, Phthalate-free fragrance.
Scent : Nectarine & Mint
Dimensions (cm) : H20 x Ø7
Volume : 500mL
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